Brown Bag Macro Seminars

Coordinator: Sergio Salgado

Spring 2025 Macro Lunch Seminars
Thursdays 12:00-1:00 pm
Room SH-DH 211




The Macro Lunch Group

The mission of the Macro Lunch Group (MLG) is to provide a forum for a cohesive group of researchers to meet regularly to discuss each other’s ongoing research.   All faculty in the Finance Department, as well as other faculty and researchers in the local Economics/Finance research community (including, but not limited to, the Penn Economics Department and the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia), are invited to be members of the MLG, subject to the following guidelines:

1.  Members of the MLG must attend the Tuesday lunches regularly.  Regularly does not mean every session, but as a guideline, participation in at least half of the sessions is expected.

2.  Only members of the MLG will make presentations.  An exception is that short-term distinguished visitors to the department, or other such unusual targets of opportunity, will be invited to give presentations.

6-MarVadim Elenev
13-MarSpring Break
20-MarGuillaume Plantin
10-AprTim Landvoigt
17-AprJoachim Hubmer
24-AprDirk Krueger