Huan Tang

Huan Tang
  • Assistant Professor of Finance

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    2330 Steinberg-Dietrich Hall
    3620 Locust Walk
    Philadelphia, PA 19104

Research Interests: FinTech, Digital Economy, Banking, Consumer Finance

Links: CV, Personal Website


All Courses

  • FNCE1000 - Corporate Finance

    This course provides an introduction to the theory, the methods, and the concerns of corporate finance. The concepts developed in FNCE 1000 form the foundation for all elective finance courses. The main topics include: 1) the time value of money and capital budgeting techniques; 2) uncertainty and the trade-off between risk and return; 3) security market efficiency; 4) optimal capital structure, and 5) dividend policy decisions. ACCT 1010 + STAT 1010 may be taken concurrently.

In the News


In the News

Why Are Electric Vehicle Loans More Expensive?

Buyers of electric vehicles face tighter financing terms compared to those who buy conventional vehicles, according to a recent paper co-authored by Wharton’s Huan Tang.Read More

Knowledge at Wharton - 2/12/2024
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