Lars Ljungqvist

Lars Ljungqvist
  • Visiting Professor

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    2451 Steinberg-Dietrich Hall
    3620 Locust Walk
    Philadelphia, PA 19104


Current Courses (Spring 2025)

  • FNCE6130 - Macroecn & Global Econom

    This course is required for all students except those who, having prior training in macroeconomics, money and banking, and stabilization policy at an intermediate or advanced level, can obtain a waiver by passing an examination. The purpose of the course is to train students to think systematically about the current state of the economy and macroeconomic policy, and to be able to evaluate the economic environment within which business and financial decisions are made. The course emphasizes the use of economic theory to understand the workings of financial markets and the operation and impact of government policies. We will study the determinants of the level of national income, employment, investment, interest rates, the supply of money, inflation, exchange rates, and the formulation and operation of stabilization policies.

    FNCE6130001 ( Syllabus )

    FNCE6130002 ( Syllabus )

All Courses

  • FNCE6130 - Macroecn & Global Econom

    This course is required for all students except those who, having prior training in macroeconomics, money and banking, and stabilization policy at an intermediate or advanced level, can obtain a waiver by passing an examination. The purpose of the course is to train students to think systematically about the current state of the economy and macroeconomic policy, and to be able to evaluate the economic environment within which business and financial decisions are made. The course emphasizes the use of economic theory to understand the workings of financial markets and the operation and impact of government policies. We will study the determinants of the level of national income, employment, investment, interest rates, the supply of money, inflation, exchange rates, and the formulation and operation of stabilization policies.

Knowledge at Wharton

Real AI Adoption Means Changing Human Behavior

Wharton’s Scott Snyder and co-author Jason Hreha offer five strategies to bridge the gap between leadership expectations around AI and meaningful transformation.Read More

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Why the Most Successful Companies Are Scalable

Giants such as Amazon stay on top because they’re both more productive and more scalable than their competitors, according to research from Wharton and Penn.Read More

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Cryptocurrency and Blockchains | Kevin Werbach

Professor Kevin Werbach demystifies blockchain technology.Read More

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