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Wharton Stories:
Personal experience and selfless family sacrifice led Tsion Bezabih, W’27, to create a nonprofit aimed at helping young people connect.
Bridging the Cultural Divide
“It was just unreal. You put all your time into making a mix, and then you put it on Spotify, and you go to Paris.” – Ajay Kilambi, W’25
Penn Masala’s Olympic Performance
Laura Brodkey, W’25, is a natural community builder who creates spaces for students to be their authentic selves and make connections.
Building Belonging: An Undergrad Creates Community for Students
“There are a lot of changes I would like to see and be a part of in sports. The diversity of thought that Wharton provides is crucial for me at this point in my career.” – Hig Roberts, WG’25
How an Executive Navigates Identity and Inclusion in Business
“By fostering a culture of inclusivity and understanding, we can attract more talented prospective students with disabilities to Wharton and have them to believe they can make a meaningful impact in their careers beyond Wharton.” – Sheila Xu, WG’24
How Wharton’s Disability Empowerment and Action League (DEAL) Transforms Campus
In the wake of the SCOTUS ruling on Affirmative Action, Xavier Shankle, W’24, told the White House they needed to do something, and they did.
The Advocate: An Undergrad Fosters Educational Equity
The student club Wharton Women seeks to foster a community of support and collaboration and create a comfortable space for female-identifying students.
Wharton Women: “Girls Supporting Girls”
“Having all these people together, sharing the same mindset, and the chance to talk with them is an opportunity you wouldn’t simply find by attending school, going to classes and participating in club meetings.” – Aashika Vishwanath, CIS’26
Data Drives Humanity at Wharton & Penn Engineering’s Women in Data Science Conference
“Keep sacred space for family connection… that’s really important for anyone who’s going to pursue business with their family,” Hannah Diop, WG’09.
How a Wharton Family is Disrupting the Beauty Industry
Founded in 1975, Black Wharton Undergraduate Association is an undergraduate student club at Wharton with more than 150 active members from all four class years and Penn’s four undergraduate schools.
Black Wharton: Empowering Excellence at Penn
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